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School-issued email address gets deactivated after you graduate. If you forget your login, College Board will send you an e-mail to reset it, so you have to be able to get the e-mail. They can still assist if you don't have access to the email, but it will take longer to verify your identity. If you already have an account, please check this and change it if necessary.



Exam times are set by The College Board.  Note that AP® Exams must be taken only at the times established by The College Board. Exams administered at Tam will be at the following dates and times set by The College Board.



Join Codes will be distributed in class, or available with your confirmation with your payment. Please contact your AP teacher to obtain the Join Code. Join Codes are subject, teacher, and class period specific. ALL students should join the online AP® Class on MyAP to enable access to the free course materials, regardless of whether or not they are testing in May.