To report an absence or if student is arriving late or leaving early, please call the Attendance Hotline at 415-380-3592 or email ths_attendance@tamdistrict.org (space is an underscore)
Important TUHSD Visitor Notice
Beginning Monday, February 24th all Visitors to the Tamalpais Union High School District will be required to present a government issued ID, for use with our TPASS K12 Visitor Management System.
Your details will be checked against a sex-offender database and once approved, a sticker badge will be printed and must be worn in a visible location for the duration of your visit to this campus. This is NOT a background search – no other criminal information is searched or provided such as traffic tickets, warrants, felonies, etc. This system does not check citizenship status.
All Visitors must check in at the main office to receive their badge. The safety of students and staff is the highest priority of the District. If you have any questions about the Visitor System, please contact jrobinson@tamdistrict.org
Order your 2024-25 Yearbook here
- Registration for the 2025-26 School Year
- New Student Registration for 2024-25 School Year
- Bell Schedules
- Attendance Details
- Athlete Medical Clearance Forms
- Canvas Sign-in (Students & Staff)
- Canvas Observer Sign-In (Parent/Guardian Observer)
- How To Create a Parent Canvas Account
- Information for Prospective Students
- Synergy/ParentVue Sign-in (Parents and Students Only)
- Tam Athletics Website
- Transcript Requests
- TUHSD Portal (students)
- Tam High Webstore
Tam Campus Beautification Project. Thank you to the PTSA Beautification Committee and all the volunteers and donors.
Witness Bullying?
Contact an adult
or call 415-945-3693
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30am-4:00pm | Main Office 415-380-3500 | Confidential Tip Line 415-380-3507 | Attendance 415-380-3592