To report an absence or if student is arriving late or leaving early, please call the Attendance Hotline at 415-380-3592 or email ths_attendance@tamdistrict.org (space is an underscore)
- New Student Registration for 2024-25 school year
- Bell Schedules
- Attendance Details
- Athlete Medical Clearance Forms
- Canvas Sign-in (Students & Staff)
- Canvas Observer Sign-In (Parent/Guardian Observer)
- How To Create a Parent Canvas Account
- Information for Prospective Students
- Synergy/ParentVue Sign-in (Parents and Students Only)
- Tam Athletics Website
- Transcript Requests
- TUHSD Portal (students)
- Tam High Webstore
Witness Bullying?
Contact an adult
or call 415-945-3693
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30am-4:00pm | Main Office 415-380-3500 | Confidential Tip Line 415-380-3507 | Attendance 415-380-3592